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Imagem - Fazenda Borges
Caxambu crowns Congo Party Queen and King

We are preparing rich content about the festivities of Quilombo do Caxambu, the original name of the town that houses Hotel Fazenda Borges. Quilombola traditions have a lot to teach us about faith and the Christian Faith in its various manifestations in Brazil.


In addition to the Congo Kings and Queens, Congado crowns, in each location where this rich Brazilian tradition is still preserved, the Queen and the Party King. Congado chooses people who have a strong connection with the community and who are responsible for the festivities of the year of the current reign.

On the 24th and 25th of July 2023, the district of Padre Pinto, or Caxambu, as the population calls it, received Congadeiro groups from across the Médio Piracicaba region to celebrate the Festa do Rosário, traditional in Quilombo.

We followed this wonderful manifestation of Brazilian ancestral culture that crowned, on the 25th, as Party Queen and Kings of the year 2024, Lílian Nunes Cota and Alexandre Nunes Cota, CEO of the CD Embalagens e Fazenda Borges group.

The new Queen and King were taken from Fazenda Borges, in a traditional Congado rite, to the Padre Pinto Parish Church, where they received the crowns, in an exciting celebration of our religious syncretism, in which the free manifestation of faith coexists in harmony and mutual support, an example for all peoples and nations.

Soon, this Blog will publish the images and video of this wonderful Festival in Caxambu, of which everyone at Fazenda Borges is very proud.
